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  • Regulatory Policy

Application Form: Premium Rate Services - Authorised Service

Application Form
Posted: 24th January 2011
Reference Number: 10/53R

Application Form - Premium Rate Services Licence

Application Form
Posted: 24th January 2011
Reference Number: 10/52R

Guidelines and Sample Application Form: Premium Rate Services Licence

Posted: 24th January 2011
Reference Number: 10/52aR

Submissions to Information Notice - Regulatory Framework for Next Generation Voice Services, including VoIP.

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 21st January 2011
Reference Number: 11/04

800 MHz, 900 Mhz & 1800 MHz spectrum release - Submissions received from respondents

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 7th January 2011
Reference Number: 10/103R

Guidance on the Submission of Competition Complaints relating to the Electronic Communications Sector

Information Notice
Posted: 23rd December 2010
Reference Number: 10/110

ComReg extends deadline for consultation on the Draft Code of Practice for Premium Rate Services

Information Notice
Posted: 22nd December 2010
Reference Number: 10/109

Submissions to Consultation - Sixth Review of the National Numbering Conventions

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 3rd December 2010
Reference Number: 10/99s

Consultation Paper - Three Criteria Test on the Broadcasting Transmission Market

Posted: 3rd December 2010
Reference Number: 10/98

Draft Code of Practice - Premium Rate Services

Discussion Paper
Posted: 1st December 2010
Reference Number: 10/92b