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Complaints and Redress Procedures: Guidelines for Postal Service Providers

Guidelines,Consultation Response
Posted: 28th January 2014
Reference Number: 14/06

Communications Regulation (Financing of Provision of Universal Postal Service) Regulations 2013

Posted: 4th December 2013
Reference Number: S.I. 469 of 2013

Submissions to Consultation 13/83

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 4th December 2013
Reference Number: 13/116s
Decision Number: D15/13

Report by Frontier Economics: Recommendations on a net cost unfair burden assessment & sharing mechanism to fund any unfair burden

Consultants Report
Posted: 4th December 2013
Reference Number: 13/116a
Decision Number: D15/13

ComReg publishes its Large Postal User Survey

Media Release
Posted: 19th November 2013
Reference Number: PR19112013

Large Postal Users Survey

Market Commentary
Posted: 19th November 2013
Reference Number: 13/107

Submissions to Consultation 13/68

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 6th September 2013
Reference Number: 13/82s
Decision Number: D13/13