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Digital Television Delivery Systems at 12GHZ, Guidance Notes for Applicants

Application Form,Guidelines
Posted: 9th March 2004
Reference Number: 04/27

Application Form for Digital Television Delivery Systems at 12GHZ

Application Form
Posted: 9th March 2004
Reference Number: 04/26

ComReg publishes its findings of the review of the wholesale broadcasting transmission market

Media Release
Posted: 3rd February 2004
Reference Number: PR020204

Response to Consultation: Market Analysis - Wholesale Broadcasting Transmission Services

Consultation Response
Posted: 2nd February 2004
Reference Number: 04/06

S.I. No. 675 of 2003. Wireless Telegraphy (UHF Television Programme Retransmission) Regulations 2003

Posted: 23rd December 2003
Reference Number: SI675of2003

Quarterly Market Report- Television Services Survey

Quarterly Report,Consultants Report
Posted: 4th December 2003
Reference Number: 03/144e

WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY (UHF Television Programme Retransmission)(Amendment) Regulations 2003

Posted: 14th November 2003
Reference Number: SI507of2003

WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY (Carrigaline UHF Television Programme Retransmission) (Amendment) Regulations 2003

Posted: 14th November 2003
Reference Number: SI506of2003

WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY (Multipoint Microwave Distribution System) REGULATIONS 2003.

Posted: 13th November 2003
Reference Number: SI529of2003

ComReg announces 59 New Licence Offers for Local Broadband Wireless Services

Media Release
Posted: 6th November 2003
Reference Number: PR061103