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International roaming charges for Irish customers reduced

Media Release
Posted: 15th September 2008
Reference Number: PR150908

Information Notice - Implementation of EU Roaming Regulation by Irish Mobile Companies

Information Notice
Posted: 15th September 2008
Reference Number: 08/78

ComRegs latest Quarterly Report shows over a million broadband connections in Ireland

Media Release
Posted: 10th September 2008
Reference Number: PR100908

Quarterly Key Data Report - Explanatory Memorandum

Market Commentary,Quarterly Report
Posted: 10th September 2008
Reference Number: 08/75a

Quarterly Key Data Report

Market Commentary,Quarterly Report
Posted: 10th September 2008
Reference Number: 08/75

Emergency Services Digital Radio ('ESDR') Licence - Guidance Notes & Application Form

Application Form
Posted: 19th August 2008
Reference Number: 08/67

Consultation & Draft Direction: Setting a Maximum Fixed and Mobile Number Porting Charge

Consultation,Draft Direction
Posted: 15th August 2008
Reference Number: 08/65
Decision Number: D0507

Invitation to Tender - Bi-Annual 3G and GSM Drive Test Programme 2008 to 2011

Expressions of Interest
Posted: 14th August 2008
Reference Number: 08/64

Market Analysis: Leased Lines Markets Response to Consultation and Consultation on Draft Decision

Consultation,Consultation Response
Posted: 6th August 2008
Reference Number: 08/63