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Information Notice - Climate Change and its Effect on Network Resilience - A study by Frontier Economics

Information Notice
Posted: 8th December 2022
Decision Number: ComReg 22/100

Third Interim Report 2022 - Programme of Measurement of Non-Ionising Radiation

NIR Site Report
Posted: 17th November 2022
Reference Number: ComReg 22/96

ComReg Consumer Care Statistics Report Q3 2022

Information Notice
Posted: 4th November 2022
Reference Number: ComReg 22/91

Mobile Consumer Experience 2022 - Survey results

Briefing Note,Survey
Posted: 6th October 2022
Reference Number: ComReg 22/83

Assessment of Mobile Network Operators Compliance with Licence Obligations (Coverage) Summer 2022

Information Notice
Posted: 30th September 2022
Reference Number: 22/82

2022 Programme of Measurement of Non-Ionising Radiation - Second Interim Report

Posted: 28th September 2022
Reference Number: 22/79

Response to Consultation and Decision - Short-term licensing framework for spectrum rights in the 700 MHz and 2.1 GHz Bands from October 2022, Measures to Avoid Consumer Disruption

Consultation Submissions,Consultation Response,Decision
Posted: 21st September 2022
Reference Number: ComReg 22/78
Decision Number: D07/22