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Management and use of the UHF radio frequency band in Ireland (470 790 MHz)

Posted: 11th February 2014
Reference Number: 14/13

Submissions to Consultation on Incident Reporting and Minimum Security Measures

Consultation Submissions
Posted: 8th January 2014
Reference Number: 14/02s

Response to Consultation - Reporting & Guidance on Incident Reporting & Minimum Security Standards

Consultation Response
Posted: 8th January 2014
Reference Number: 14/02

Information Notice regarding the release of 1800 MHz spectrum rights of use

Information Notice
Posted: 6th January 2014
Reference Number: 14/01
Decision Number: D14/13

Quarterly Report Q3 2013

Quarterly Report
Posted: 18th December 2013
Reference Number: 13/120

Information Notice on the release of 1800 MHz spectrum rights of use

Information Notice
Posted: 6th December 2013
Reference Number: 13/117

Application Form for 1800 MHz spectrum rights of use

Application Form
Posted: 6th December 2013
Reference Number: 13/104a

Information Notice - ComReg grants a further extension to consultation period for ComReg Document 13/95

Information Notice
Posted: 29th November 2013
Reference Number: 13/112