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Smart Antenna Technology - Briefing Note

Briefing Note
Posted: 14th May 2004
Reference Number: 04/52

Programme of Measurement of Non-Ionising Radiation emissions - Third Interim Report

Information Notice
Posted: 11th May 2004
Reference Number: 04/50R

European Communication regulators agree rules on competition remedies

Media Release
Posted: 23rd April 2004
Reference Number: PR230404

ComReg Sets out plan on International Roaming

Media Release
Posted: 6th April 2004
Reference Number: PR060404

Market Analysis - The Wholesale National Market for International Roaming on Public Mobile Networks

Information Notice
Posted: 6th April 2004
Reference Number: 04/38

Numbering Conventions V4 and New Number Applications Process - Response to Consultation

Consultation Response
Posted: 1st April 2004
Reference Number: 04/37

Numbering Application Procedures and Application Forms

Application Form
Posted: 1st April 2004
Reference Number: 04/36R

National Numbering Conventions (Version 4.0) - a Reference Document

Posted: 1st April 2004
Reference Number: 04/35

Security Issues for New and Emerging Telecommunications Technologies - Briefing Note

Briefing Note
Posted: 12th March 2004
Reference Number: 04/29