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The 'home-zone' service - an innovation in fixed-mobile telecommunications

Media Release
Posted: 4th August 2006
Reference Number: PR040806

Irish Telephony Numbering & Dialling Plan Status Report - July 2006

Information Notice
Posted: 19th July 2006
Reference Number: 06/31

2006 Programme of Measurement of Non-Ionising Radiation emissions

Information Notice
Posted: 13th June 2006
Reference Number: 06/24

Market Analysis - Wholesale International Roaming

Consultation,Market Commentary
Posted: 13th April 2006
Reference Number: 06/20

ComReg warns consumers about charges for using mobile phones abroad

Media Release
Posted: 7th March 2006
Reference Number: PR070306

2005-2006 Programme of Measurement of Non-Ionising Radiation emissions - First Interim Report

Information Notice
Posted: 3rd March 2006
Reference Number: 06/12

Reductions in mobile termination charges by Vodafone, 02 and Meteor will benefit consumers

Information Notice
Posted: 16th January 2006
Reference Number: 06/02
Decision Number: D11/05

ComReg and Ofcom propose coordinated award of spectrum

Media Release
Posted: 15th December 2005
Reference Number: PR151205

Annexes to 05/93: Award of available spectrum: 1785 - 1805MHz (ComReg and Ofcom)

Posted: 15th December 2005
Reference Number: 05/93a

Award of available spectrum: 1785 - 1805 MHz (ComReg and Ofcom)

Posted: 15th December 2005
Reference Number: 05/93