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Application Form for a Short-Term Electronic Communications Service Licence

Application Form
Posted: 21st September 2022
Reference Number: ComReg 22/78b

Quarterly Key Data Report Q2 2022

Information Notice
Posted: 8th September 2022
Reference Number: ComReg 22/76

Notification of a Finding of Non-Compliance to Three Ireland with respect to provisions of the Universal Service Regulations

Enforcement Actions,Information Notice
Posted: 30th August 2022
Reference Number: 22/74

ComReg Consumer Line Statistics Report Q2 2022

Information Notice
Posted: 5th August 2022
Reference Number: 22/71

Update of EU Roaming Rules for Mobile Phone Users

Information Notice
Posted: 28th July 2022
Reference Number: 22/68

Text Relay Service Take-up and Usage statistics: January to June 2022

Information Notice
Posted: 27th July 2022
Reference Number: 22/67