Home / News / Consultations / Proposed amendments to technical conditions for the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands – Implementation of EU Decision 2022/173 and repeal of Decision 2009/766/EC

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Proposed amendments to technical conditions for the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands – Implementation of EU Decision 2022/173 and repeal of Decision 2009/766/EC

Consultation is closed

ComReg invites views from interested parties on all aspects of the Consultation over the next 30 days. Please also provide reasoning and supporting information for any views expressed. After concluding its review of all submissions received and other relevant material, ComReg intends to publish a response to consultation and final decision on this matter.

All responses to this consultation should be clearly marked: “Reference: Submissions to ComReg 24/34” as indicated above, and preferably submitted by e-mail. All responses should be submitted by 17:00 on 7 June 2024 to:

Email: marketframeworkconsult@comreg.ie

Martin O’Donoghue
Commission for Communications Regulation
One Dockland Central,
Guild Street,
Dublin 1,
D01 E4X0

Ph.: +353-1-8049600

Please note ComReg will publish all respondents’ submissions with the Response to this Consultation, subject to the provisions of ComReg’s guidelines on the treatment of confidential information – ComReg 05/24.

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