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Mobile Consumer Experience Survey 2022

ComReg has published results from its 2022 Mobile Consumer Experience Survey.

The survey provides insights into the usage, perceptions and experiences of mobile phone users, especially in relation to mobile phone coverage. The survey covers topics relating to mobile experience including:

  • Owning a mobile phone;
  • Usage of a mobile phone;
  • Coverage issues and satisfaction;
  • Switching providers and mobile phone;
  • Unlocking a mobile phone.

Overall, the survey results show how important mobile phone service is to Irish consumers. Owning a mobile phone is almost universal across the country and 91% of those with a phone have a smartphone.

In terms of mobile coverage, 75% of those who took part in the survey are satisfied with mobile coverage at their home. Though loss of signal lasting for a longer period of time is less than in previous surveys, there are still occasional losses of signal. 37% of those surveyed lost signal when on a call or sending a text in the last month, while 32% lost signal while using their mobile phone for the internet.

The results show Irish users are spending more time online compared to 2019 and social media is the most common online activity. Two out of three Irish consumers are bill pay customers and 70% of customers said they do not worry about paying their phone bill/buying credit as they can afford it.

You can find the full survey results here.

If you are looking for a new mobile plan, visit ComReg’s Outdoor Mobile Coverage Map, or download our iOS or Android app, to view our updated predicted outdoor 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G mobile coverage at your address, Eircode or location (if using the app).


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