Background and Documentation
Document 17/46 – Results of ComReg’s 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Award
On 1 June 2017, ComReg published an Information Notice setting out the Final Frequency Plan and results of the 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Award Process
Document 17/38 – Results of ComReg’s 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Award – including the Provisional Frequency Plan
On 22 May 2017, ComReg announced the results of the 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Award. The Award, which was conducted by auction, resulted in the successful assignment of all 350 MHz of spectrum. The spectrum was offered in 594 lots spread over nine regions (four rural and five urban) and assigned on a contiguous basis. The Auction resulted in five Winning Bidders. Full details of the results are set out in the Information Notice (Document 17/38) and corresponding Media Release
Please note that the results presented here are preliminary, in that the frequency plan as presented in Annex 7 of Document 17/38 is subject to any changes arising from the Negotiation Phase. ComReg will later publish the final results.
Correspondence received from an interested party regarding transition arrangements
ComReg received correspondence from an interested party which relates to 3.6 GHz Band transition matters. ComReg sets out an anonymised non confidential version of this correspondence and ComReg’s Response to same in the Document below CBSA(16)053.
CBSA(16)053_Correspondence from an interested party of 14 October 2016 and ComReg response
3.6 GHz Band Licences Regulations 2016
The Wireless Telegraphy (3.6 GHz Band Licences) Regulations 2016 (S.I. No. 532 of 2016) were made on 18 October 2016 by the Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) with the consent of the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Denis Naughten.
Document 16/87 – Questions & answers and related matters
On 12 October 2016 ComReg published an Information Notice, Document 16/87, which related to
- the publication of questions properly submitted to the 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Award and ComReg’s final responses to same
- ComReg’s consideration of correspondence received from an interested party relating to the reserve price benchmarking report (Document 16/70b) from ComReg’s independent award design consultants, DotEcon.
Alongside this Information Notice, ComReg published a Benchmarking Update from DotEcon as Document 16/88.
Workshop on 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Award – 14 September 2016
On the 14 September 2016, ComReg held a Workshop for all interested parties on the 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Award.
The Workshop slides presented on the day are below
3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Award Workshop Slides
To extend the reach of the workshop ComReg also hosted the Workshop as a webinar. The webinar recording can be viewed at the link below.
Webinar recording of the 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Award Workshop
Document 16/75 – Information Notice – Workshop on 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Award and submission of questions on Award Process
On 9 September 2016, ComReg published an information notice providing further information on the 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Award Workshop to be held on the 14 September 2016.
Document 16/71 – 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Award – Information Memorandum
On 24 August 2016, ComReg published its Information Memorandum (Document 16/71) on the 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Award. ComReg published Annex 3 (Application Form) and Annex 4 (Alliance notification Form) from Document 16/71 separately in a writable pdf format as Documents 16/71a and Document 16/71b respectively.
ComReg also published three other documents;
- Response to Consultation on the draft Information Memorandum (Document 16/70)
- DotEcon’s assessment of comments on ComReg Document 16/22 (Document 16/70a)
- An update from DotEcon’s on the reserve price benchmarking report (Document 16/70b)
Paragraphs 2.10 and 2.11 of the Information Memorandum refers to ten ESRI shape files that set out the boundaries of the Regions. There has been no change to the files from the publication of the Draft Information Memorandum. These files can be found below under the publication of Document 16/22.
Document 16/57 – Response to Consultation & Decision on Proposed 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Award
- On 11 July 2016, ComReg published its Response to Consultation and Decision on Proposed 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Award
ComReg also published an independent report from DotEcon
- Document 16/57a – An analysis prepared by ComReg’s economic and award design expert, DotEcon Limited (“DotEcon”), of the submissions received in response to Document 15/140
Document 16/55 – Further Submission from Imagine to the 3.6 GHz Consultation Process
- On 29 June 2016, ComReg published a further non-confidential response received from Imagine to the 3.6 GHz Consultation Process
Document 16/35 – Non-confidential responses received to ComReg document 16/22
- On 11 May 2016, ComReg published the non-confidential submissions received to Document 16/22
Document 16/22 – Draft Information Memorandum – Proposed 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Award
- On 16 March 2016, ComReg published its draft Information Memorandum, Document 16/22, on the proposed 3.6 GHz Band award.
- Alongside this document, ComReg published an explanatory note to the draft Information Memorandum, Document 16/23.
- Section 2.2 of Document 16/22 sets out the Regions for the award. The files referred to in paragraphs 2.10 – 2.11 are provided below.

© Ordnance Survey Ireland/Government of Ireland – Copyright Permit No. MP 001316
Document 16/19 – Submissions to ComReg Document 15/140
- On 11 March 2016, ComReg published the non-confidential submissions received to Document 15/140.
Document 15/140 – Response to Consultation and draft Decision on Proposed 3.6 GHz band Spectrum Award
- On 22 December 2015, ComReg published its Response to Consultation and draft Decision – on Proposed 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Award
ComReg also published 4 independent reports
- Document 15/140a – An analysis prepared by ComReg’s economic and award design expert, DotEcon Limited (“DotEcon”), of the submissions received in response to Document 15/70 relating to the award design and format
- Document 15/140b – An updated reserve price benchmarking report prepared by DotEcon
- Document 15/140c – An analysis prepared by ComReg’s technical expert, Plum Consulting London LLP (“Plum”), of the submissions received in response to Document 15/70 relating to matters of a spectrum engineering nature
- Document 15/140d – An update of the Document 15/75 prepared by Plum analysing the spectrum potentially required for the provision of an advanced wireless broadband service in the 3.6 GHz band, having taken into consideration submissions received in response to Document 15/70
Document 15/106R – Submissions to Consultation 15/70-revised
- On 23 October 2015, ComReg published the non-confidential submissions received to Document 14/101. An earlier version of this document was published on 30 September 2015 as Document 15/106.
Document 15/70 Consultation on Proposed 3.6 GHz Band Spectrum Award
- On 10 July 2015, ComReg issued Document 15/70, a further consultation on the proposed award of spectrum rights in the 3.6 GHz band.
ComReg also published 5 independent reports
- Document 15/71 – a report on the design of a spectrum award from its economic and award design consultants, DotEcon
- Document 15/72 – a reserve price benchmarking report from its economic and award design consultants, DotEcon
- Document 15/73 – a report analysing the potential co-existence obligations for any sub-national (regional) assignments in the 3.6 GHz band to facilitate co-channel and adjacent channel co-existence from its technical consultants, Plum Consulting London LLP
- Document 15/74 – a report examining likely rollout considerations and timelines for the deployment of the technologies and potential services likely to be put into use for regional assignments in the 3.6 GHz band including equipment and rollout considerations from its technical consultants, Plum Consulting London LLP
- Document 15/75 – a report analysing the spectrum potentially required for the provision of an advanced Wireless Broadband (WBB) service in the 3.6 GHz band by a single provider (or consortia) in each region from its technical consultants, Plum Consulting London LLP
Document 15/15 – Publication of non-confidential submissions to ComReg Document 14/101
- On 16 February 2015, ComReg published the non-confidential submissions received to Document 14/101
Document 15/14 – Information Notice – Update – Spectrum award – 2.6 GHz band with possible inclusion of 700 MHz, 1.4, 2.3 and 3.6 GHz bands
- In light of the submissions received to Document 14/101 and Document 14/126, ComReg, on 16 February 2015 published an Information Notice indicating that it intended to consider the possible release of rights of use in the 3.6 GHz band in a separate competitive award process.
Document 14/126 – National Broadband Plan: Call for Input on Regulatory Implications – Submissions
- The EC’s State Aid Guidelines (or “SAG”) notes that national regulatory authorities (“NRAs”), such as ComReg, can have a role in assisting Member States, in particular, in the design of appropriate access obligations relating to State aid broadband projects. In that context, on 4 December 2014, ComReg issued a call for input with regard to the regulatory implications of the National Broadband Plan (“NBP”). In addition to the responses received to Document 14/101, a number of the respondents to the call for input made submissions in relation to radio-spectrum related matters, including in respect of the 3.6 GHz band. ComReg took the latter submissions into account in the preparation of Document 15/70.
Document 14/101 – Spectrum award – 2.6 GHz band with possible inclusion of 700 MHz, 1.4, 2.3 and 3.6 GHz bands
Document 14/101n – Information Notice: ComReg publishes first consultation on new spectrum award process
- In preparation for the release of new spectrum rights of use, ComReg, on 30 September 2014, published its consultation and corresponding information notice setting out its preliminary proposals on the details of a competitive award process for spectrum rights of use in the 700 MHz, 1.4 GHz, 2.3 GHz, 2.6 GHz and 3.6 GHz bands. ComReg proposed the release of all of the above bands in the same award process, whilst noting certain peculiarities around the 3.6 GHz and 700 MHz bands which would require further assessment before coming to firm proposals.
ComReg also published an independent report – Document 14/102 – Spectrum Award – 2.6 GHz band with possible inclusion of 700 MHz, 1.4, 2.3 and 3.6 GHz bands