Regulation of Quality

Regulation of An Post’s quality for universal postal services

ComReg has set performance standards of

  • 94% for next working day delivery (“D+1”) and
  • 99.5% delivery within three days of posting (“D+3”)

for single piece mail items in the State where the postal packet is posted before the latest time of posting as advertised at the access point. Further details can be found in ComReg Document 15/126.

The 2011 Act also requires ComReg to, at least once a year, monitor compliance with the quality of service standards, and publish a report on the results of the monitoring exercise.

ComReg has contracted with an independent organisation to undertake the monitoring on its behalf. The measurement is continuous and relates to domestic single piece mail only, i.e. performance of bulk mailings and international mail are excluded from this measurement.

The monitoring exercise is undertaken independently of postal service providers and it is based on the statistical methods set out in the relevant European standard (EN 13850) approved by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). The table below shows the annual targets and performance results. 

An Post’s Annual Domestic Quality of Service Standards and Performance for next working day delivery (D+1) and for delivery within three working days (D+3):

YearD+1 PerformanceD+1 StandardD+3 PerformanceD+3 Standard
2023 87%94%98.8%99.5%
2022 85%94%98.3%99.5%
2021 [5]84%94%98.2%99.5%
2020 [4]82%94%97.4%99.5%

[5]: The D+1 and D+3 result shown for 2021 exclude items posted on or between 6th-8th December in certain areas due to the unusual weather conditions experienced during this period.

[4]: The QoS Monitor was suspended from 1st April to 30th June 2020 inclusive due to matters related to the Covid-19 Pandemic. The D+1 and D+3 performance results for  2020 Quality of Service Monitor are, as a result, based on the performance results for items posted over 9 months in 2020 as follows; January, February, March, July, August, September, October, November and December.

[3]: The D+1 and D+3 result shown for 2018 excludes items posted on or between 28th February – 2nd March due to the unusual weather conditions experienced during this period.
[2]: The D+1 and D+3 result shown for 2017 excludes items posted on or between 13th October to 16th October due to the unusual weather conditions experienced during this period.
[1]: The D+1 and D+3 result shown for 2010 excludes items posted on or between 28th November-15th December and 17th December-30th December due to the unusual weather conditions experienced in those two periods.