Price Controls and Cost Accounting

ComReg identifies how these markets relate to the various European Commission recommendations according to the reference  “Market Number”/”Year of Recommendation”. For example, “01/2007” is Market 1 identified in the European Commission’s 2007 Recommendation.

The following are the markets/areas where Pricing decisions are in force:

MarketConsultation Process
Wholesale Call Termination on individual Public Telephone Networks provided at a Fixed location (01/2014)FTR
Wholesale Voice Call Termination on individual Mobile Networks (02/2014)MTR
Wholesale local access provided at a fixed location (03a/2014)CGA
Wholesale central access provided at a fixed location for mass-market products (03b/2014)CGA
Wholesale high-quality access provided at a fixed location (04/2014)WHQA
Retail Access to the public telephone network at a fixed location (01/2007)Retail price cap
Retail Access
Broadcasting Market A - Wholesale Access to National Terrestrial Broadcast Transmission services (18/2003)Market A
Broadcasting Market B - Wholesale Access to DTT multiplexing services (18/2003)Market B
Weighted Average cost of capital: Mobile Telecommunications, Fixed line Telecommunications, Broadcasting (Markets A and B)WACC
Access to Non-Geographic numbersNGNs