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What can consumers with a Disability expect from their Service Provider regarding Pre-Paid Mobile Top-Ups?

Accessible Top-Up Facility for Pre-Paid Mobile Users
Service providers providing pre-paid mobile services are required to provide an SMS top-up facility for customers with a disability where
• A cash top-up does not involve any voice prompts.
• A receipt (voucher) is clear, easy to understand and allows the customer with a disability to apply the top-up receipt (voucher) by SMS (or equivalent method) without assistance from a third party.
• After topping up confirmation of the value of the top-up credit, without the need to follow voice prompts, must be sent to the customer’s mobile telephone.

Information on what accessible top-up facilities your service provider is required to provide. Link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=4gYEhwzuQ2k&feature=youtu.be]

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