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Electronic Communications:- Proposed Review of Measures to Ensure Equivalence in Access and Choice

ComReg may, where appropriate, specify requirements to be complied with by undertakings providing publicly available electronic communications services ( “Undertakings”) in order to ensure that disabled end-users have access to electronic communications services (“ECS”) equivalent to that enjoyed by the majority of end-users. In addition, ComReg may specify measures to ensure that disabled end-users benefit from the choice of undertakings and services available to the majority of end-users.

In 2014 and 2015 ComReg placed a number of obligations on Undertakings. These are set out in detail in document 17/71.

Our review has been prompted by the following developments:

  • During 2016 and 2017, ComReg held a number of workshops with Undertakings and Disability Representatives and we received feedback on the operation and effectiveness of some of the existing measures, highlighting possible areas for review.
  • ComReg also met with the National Disability Authority (NDA) and sought additional independent professional opinion, particularly in respect of accessible websites and we have considered this.
  • We also considered work ongoing with other regulatory authorities throughout Europe. In light of this work we have identified aspects of the current measures that would be appropriate to review.
  •  ComReg is cognisant of the changing needs of all end-users in respect of communication services and in particular in relation to developments in technology. ComReg is proposing a number of amendments in order to better meet the accessibility needs of disabled end-users, including in respect of accessible information

ComReg now considers it appropriate to review some of the existing measures and this consultation proposes certain amendments to the following existing measures:

  • Accessible Complaints Procedures
  • Accessible Information
  • Facility for Disabled Subscribers to Register Requirements
  • Accessibility Statement

All responses to this consultation should be clearly marked:-“Reference: Submission re ComReg 17/71” , and sent by post, facsimile or e-mail to arrive on or before 5pm Monday 9 October 2017 (note this consultation has now closed) to:

Ms. Jennifer Gartland
Commission for Communications Regulation
One Dockland Central
Freepost Dublin 1

Ph: +353-1-8049600 Fax: +353-1-804 9680 Email: retailconsult@comreg.ie

Please note ComReg will publish all respondents’ submissions with the Response to this Consultation, subject to the provisions of ComReg’s guidelines on the treatment of confidential information – ComReg 05/24.


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