In response to its Radio Spectrum Management Strategy 2016 (ComReg 16/49), ComReg observed that there were a number of parties interested in the 410-414 / 420-424 MHz sub-band (“the 400 MHz band”) and that there are a number of potential uses. ComReg further noted that it would commence a public consultation on the future use of the band. To this end, ComReg referenced its plans to conduct this consultation in its current Action Plan.
The purpose of this consultation document is to consult on the award of spectrum rights of use in the 400 MHz Band on a technology neutral basis. This consultation explores, at a high level, a number of possible uses for the 400 MHz band and how it might be assigned. ComReg welcomes the views of interested parties on all aspects of the proposals. It is ComReg’s intention to follow up with a response to consultation and a draft decision as appropriate, and/or a further consultation, if that is appropriate.
All input and comments are welcome. However, it would make the task of analysing responses easier if comments were referenced to the relevant section/ paragraph number in each chapter and annex in this document.
Please also set out your reasoning and all supporting information for any views expressed.
The consultation period will run until 17:00 on Friday 1st September 2017 (note this consultation has now closed) during which time ComReg welcomes written comments on any of the issues raised in this paper.
Responses must be submitted in written form (post or email) to the following recipient, clearly marked:
Submissions to ComReg 17/67:
Mr. Patrick Bolton
Commission for Communications Regulation
One Dockland Central
Guild Street
Dublin 1
D01 E4X0
Email: marketframeworkconsult@comreg.ie
We request that electronic submissions be submitted in an unprotected format so that they can be included in the ComReg submissions document for electronic publication.