Home / News / Consultations / Consultation 24/57 – Further Consultation on wholesale FTTH discount scheme notified by Eircom – Open Consultation

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Consultation 24/57 – Further Consultation on wholesale FTTH discount scheme notified by Eircom – Open Consultation

Consultation is open

ComReg welcomes responses from all stakeholders to this further consultation. ComReg will review and take into account all responses it receives and, once this process is complete, ComReg will issue a final decision. 

All responses to this consultation should be clearly marked: “Reference: Submission re ComReg 24/57” as indicated above, and sent by e-mail. All responses should be submitted by 5.30pm on 19 July 2024 to: wholesalepricing@comreg.ie 

Please note ComReg will publish all respondents’ submissions with the Response to this Consultation, subject to the provisions of ComReg’s guidelines on the treatment of confidential information – ComReg 05/24. 

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