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ComReg is consulting on combatting scam calls and texts

ComReg is consulting on interventions by Telecoms network operators to reduce the harm from scam calls and texts.

The prevalence of scam calls and SMS has increased in recent years, with most mobile users reporting to have received scam calls or SMS. Research commissioned by ComReg indicates that in 2022 in Ireland there were:

  • approximately 365,000 cases of fraudulent scams – on average 1,000 fraudulent scams a day
  • up to 89 million annoying/irritating communications and 31 million distressing communications
  • over 5,000 businesses that were the victim of fraud after receiving scam calls and texts
  • overall, total harms to society conservatively estimated at over €300 million per annum.

To combat scams, ComReg is proposing to require Telecoms operators to implement several technical interventions to combat scam calls and texts.

ComReg also assessed an SMS Scam Filter to block scam SMS and protect against more sophisticated scams in the future. This intervention requires legislative change and ComReg is engaging with its parent department, the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications in taking this forward.

To make a submission please contact us by email:

Subject Line: Submissions to ComReg 23/52

 Email: marketframeworkconsult@comreg.ie

Deadline: 5pm on 28 July 2023

For full details, find the consultation questions at ComReg 23/52.

Some tips to help you:

We have further information on scam calls and texts including do’s and don’ts to help you protect yourself from being scammed.

To help protect customers from scam calls and messages we are also working with the telecoms industry to put in place safeguards to make it harder for fraudulent calls and texts to be sent to you. For further information, visit our nuisance communications website page.

infographic about combatting scams

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