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Changes to the cost of calling 1800, 1850, 1890, 0818 and 076 numbers

From 1 December 2019, calls to 1850, 1890, 0818 and 076 Non-Geographic Numbers (NGNs) will cost no more than calling a landline number and will be included in your bundle of call minutes if your bundle includes landline calls.

You should note that all calls to these NGNs (including 1850) will be deducted from bundles on a per minute basis or, in the absence of a bundle, charged on a per minute basis. Calls to 1800 numbers from both landlines and mobiles remain free. This means that organisations that currently provide NGN services will be easier to access.

If you have any concerns in relation to your current price plan, check with your phone operator. Also, you can visit ComReg Compare to compare plans.

For further information on NGNs, please see our webpage www.comreg.ie/ngn

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