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Approach to Charges

Significant numbers of consumers may have been affected by prolonged lack of service, including phone and broadband, arising from the weather conditions that occurred in many areas of the country earlier in October.

The Commission for Communications Regulations (“ComReg”) expects that service providers whose customers were affected by the outages will ensure that charges are not imposed on customers for an electronic communications service or product that was requested but not supplied, in accordance with Section 45(1)2 of the Communications Regulation Act, 2002, as amended (“the Act”).

ComReg expects that many electronic communications service providers have processes in place to address this issue for their affected customers.

ComReg has powers to investigate instances where consumers may have been charged for services that were not supplied, contrary to Section 45(1) of the Act.

ComReg advises consumers to contact their service provider in the first instance to confirm the details of the specific approach taken by their service provider and how it applies to them. Following this, consumers that have received no response or are not satisfied with the response from their service provider should contact ComReg’s Consumer Line by web form, by emailing consumerline@comreg.ie or by calling 01 804 9668. We also offer a text call back, text for text back, live webchat, Irish sign language and Irish language service.

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