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Home / Advice & Information / Broadband & Home Phone / Get The Most Out Of Your Broadband & Home Phone

Get The Most Out Of Your Broadband & Home Phone

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While several factors may cause broadband service issues such as adverse weather conditions, line repairs, and maintenance, there are also several possible causes within our homes too.  

Get the most out of your broadband at home 

If you are experiencing slow internet speeds, you could consider the following. 

  • Are you connected to your router via a network cable or via Wi-Fi?

A wired ethernet connection will always be more reliable and will generally be faster. 

  • How far are you from your router?

The farther you get from the router, or the more obstructions such as walls in between your device and the router, the weaker your Wi-Fi signal is. For that reason, it’s better to place the router in a central location where you are more likely to cover the far corners of your home. The further away you are from your router the slower speeds and a less reliable connection you may get. 

  • How many devices are currently connected to your Wi-Fi?

The more devices that are connected, the more chance that too many of them are active at the same time using internet bandwidth. This could result in slower speeds as your line struggles to keep up with the demand. This particularly applies in the case of streaming or downloading video which is particularly demanding in terms of network use. 

  • What speed are you currently getting?

If there is an issue with your broadband, you should connect to your router using a wired ethernet connection and check to see what speed you are achieving and how it compares to the details of the package you are paying for.  

  • Slow speeds may be caused by the time of day.

Peak broadband speeds are the speeds you will likely receive when internet usage is at its highest. It may be noticeably slower than quieter times during the day.  

What can I do to speed up my broadband and improve my connection? 

Now we know what might cause some internet issues, we can examine what we can do to improve its performance.  

  • Try a wired connection  

The most stable connections will likely be achieved with a wired connection. This would mean connecting a computer or laptop (for example) directly to a router via an ethernet cable. 

  • Reposition your router or install a Wi-Fi Range Extender 

Your router’s position will greatly influence where in your house will have the best internet connection. If it is in an upstairs room, for example, its signal may not reach a room in the opposite corner of the house. Consider moving it to a more central location.  

Wi-Fi range extenders improve the range at which your Wi-Fi signal will reach. This means that no matter where you are in your house, you should experience a strong and stable connection.  

  • Restart your device often and keep software and apps up to date 

Running old and outdated software may result in a slow device. Be sure to download and install the latest updates to keep devices running as fast as possible. The same is true for the latest version of apps.  

  • Consider changing Wi-Fi channels 

When initially setting up, many routers will automatically select a Wi-Fi channel on which to operate. It is possible that this channel could be already occupied by a different nearby Wi-Fi network, in which case a different channel may lead to better broadband speeds, and it could be worth experimenting to find what works best in your home.  

  • Upgrade older devices 

While an older device may still retain much of its functionality, it may feel sluggish to use, usually because older hardware can struggle to run more recently released software. Consider upgrading your device if you feel it no longer meets your demands.  

  • Take stock of all your connected devices 

Having multiple devices connected to your internet may result in slow speeds due to the demands being put on the connection. We often may have more devices connected to the internet than we realise. This could include laptops, phones, tablets, TVs, smart doorbells, security systems, smart home devices, smart appliances, and more.  

How to find the right broadband plan for you 

An important factor in getting the most out of your broadband is knowing and buying the right broadband package for you. This will depend on many factors including  

Those who don’t work from home and only use their broadband occasionally don’t necessarily need the same package as those who have multiple people at the same location, with many connected devices.  

What information can I get about my broadband? 

For those currently in contract, you are entitled to Best Tariff Advice from your current broadband provider. You are entitled to receive Best Tariff Information once per year and Best Tariff Advice at the end of your contract This should provide you with information on your past broadband usage as well as a recommendation on what plans best suit your needs.  

It ensures that you’re better informed to choose the service that meets your specific needs. See the contracts section for more information.

Consider asking yourself the following important questions: 

  • How many devices will be connected to the internet at one time streaming video? 
  • What will be the main internet activity? 
  • How often will you be actively using your broadband on a day-to-day or week-to-week basis? 

For an idea of how much data internet activity uses, here are some common data internet activity uses and examples of estimated required broadband speed based on these uses:

Activity  Minimum broadband speed needed 
Web browsing  1 Mbps (download) 
HD video streaming  5 Mbps (download) 
Ultra HD video streaming  30 Mbps (download) 
Voice over IP  0.25 Mbps (download and upload) 
Real-time online gaming  0.25 Mbps (download) and 0.5 Mbps (upload) 
Video calling  1 Mbps (download and upload) 

*Precise estimates would depend on a range of factors, and these estimates are for illustrative purposes only

For more information visit our broadband information about all the types of broadband available in Ireland.

Those who actively game online or video stream will probably need the fastest and most reliable broadband connections. For those who simply browse the web or stream the occasional movie or series, a basic broadband package may meet the entirety of your needs. 

Likewise, households with several active internet users and numerous connected devices will not have the same broadband demands as those who live alone.  

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