The Commission for Communications Regulation from time to time awards contracts for the supply of goods and services. Our aim is to achieve value for money and to provide a quality service to the public.
When awarding contracts, the Commission follows all public procurement rules and discharges this function honestly and fairly.
Underpinning the public procurement rules are four basic principles. These are:
Find a copy of ComReg’s procurement plan here.
Irish Government Contract Regulations apply all of the above principles and require that competitive tendering should be used throughout the public sector. In addition, they lay down rules in order to ensure a level playing pitch for all suppliers and to ensure that true competition takes place in the award of public contracts. Important aspects of the regulations include rules on tendering such as:
For larger contracts (above the EU thresholds) the rules of the European Procurement Directives apply.
Details of all current and completed tender competitions, that fall within the national advertising threshold requirements are available on . For tender competitions valued above the EU thresholds, the contract notice is also published on the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) Tenders electronic Daily (TED) link:
On completion of a published tender competition, the Commission publishes an award notice on For larger contracts, above the EU thresholds, the award notice is also published on the OJEU TED:
Mini competitions and drawn downs from ComReg Framework Agreements are generally conducted electronically. The mini-competitions are arranged using and award of these call-off contracts are available on
For all tenders published on eTender & OJEU ComReg requires each applicant to declare if any member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or has powers of representation, decision or control has been convicted by final judgement for corruption within the previous 5 years. (Regulation 59 in relation to provision of the eESPD)
Also winning applicants are required to provide a declaration that is signed by an authorised signatory and is witnessed by a practising solicitor/Commissioner for Oaths that they have never been the subject of a conviction for corruption. (Regulation 57 (Exclusion grounds) which apply to Declaration as to Personal Circumstances of Tenderer)
Asset Disposal
ComReg follows the procedure as outlined in S8.34 in the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies in relation to the disposal of assets.