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8:00 – Registration Opens

9:00 – Conference Opens

Introduction from MC –  Richard Curran, journalist and broadcaster

Welcome – Garrett Blaney, ComReg Chairperson

Opening Address – Richard Bruton TD, Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment

Address – Roberto Viola,  Director General of DG CONNECT (Directorate General of Communication, Networks, Content and Technology) at the European Commission


9:45 – Session One: Consumer Protection in the Digital Era

Digital’ is no longer a future trend: the digital era is very much a reality and is growing in importance to our economy and society. While Irish consumers are enjoying the benefits of the digital era, they also need protections from abuse while online. Protecting the consumer online requires a multifaceted approach, with a variety of bodies working together. Our panel will discuss the challenges that lie ahead for consumer protection in the digital era.

Jeremy Godfrey, ComReg Commissioner

Isolde Goggin, Chairperson at the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission

Anthony Whelan, Director for Electronic Communications Networks and  Services at the European Commission

Johan Keetelaar, Director of Public Policy at Facebook

Lindsey Fussell, Group Director of Consumer and External Relations at Ofcom

11:00 – Coffee Break

11:30 – Session Two: Safeguarding Innovation in the Digital Society

Our society and economy are rapidly evolving. Traditional business models are being digitally transformed, upending entire industries. While we should welcome digital innovation and transformation, potential risks also lie ahead. How will traditional telecommunications networks adapt? What is the role of regulation? How do we safeguard innovation?

Robert Mourik,  ComReg Commissioner

Shay Walsh, Chair of Telecommunications Industry Ireland and Managing Director of BT Ireland

Richard Feasey, Member at UK Competition and Markets Authority and Commissioner, National Infrastructure Commission for Wales

Georgios Mavros, Public Policy and Government Relations Manager at Google

Bruno Liebhaberg, Director General of the Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE) and Chair of the EU Observatory on the Online Platform Economy

Carol Gibbons, Director of ICT Commercialisation and Sector Change for Electronic Clients at Enterprise Ireland


13:00 – Conference Ends

A light lunch will be served